As per “inclusive marketing,” we provide integrated support for DEI-triggered business transformation as well as for DEI strategies in relevant business sectors.
The scope of support spans from DEI promotion for inner circles to transformation into sustainable business in a diversified society.

Overall picture of Inclusive Marketing: On the premise of DEI, we support overall corporate activities and help to realize co-creation with society.
Solutions for realizing inclusive marketing
Facing DEI challenges in all business sectors and aiming to jointly realize the ideal business state required in a diversified society, the Dentsu Group provides various DEI-related business solutions, centered on DENTSU Diversity LAB, a dedicated task force. Addressing the challenges related to diversity all companies and organizations must handle, whether internally or externally, we help promote the initiatives of companies and society based on our proprietary marketing model, Inclusive Marketing?, released in 2017.
A vast range of topics, such as disability, gender (sex), multiculturalism, and generation (age, generation) need addressing. Given this, we have developed original programs, databases, and networks, and are providing them as solutions.
DEI solutions_1 - Business and marketing support
Facing diversity issues that are inseparable from future business jointly with customer companies, we provide solutions that enable the delivery of new values.
Consulting for introducing ? inclusive marketing
We have developed an extensive pool of original means to help deploy inclusive businesses that by design always include diversity, through co-creation with concerned parties who are willing to face the various challenges laying ahead.
Co-creation with concerned parties program
- Inclusive Hint!/Quest for daily casual?
- 041 (ALL FOR ONE)?
- Dialogue in the dark business WS?
- Diversity attendant certification
DEI subject-setting ? & emergence support
We help determine the topics to be addressed related to wide-ranging diversity issues, spanning from internal to external business challenges. We also help promote emergence specific to each company.?
Topic-setting & emergence support program
- Diversity solutions workshop PARADIS?
- cococolor Journey
Consulting for employing ? universal design
Accessibility is both a social issue and key business challenge in a hyper-aging society. We help customers implement universal design across all business scenes, leveraging our expertise.
UD implementation program
- Seminar on universal design?
- Certification of visually clear design?
- Support for implementing easy-to-use Japanese?
- Characters, pictograms, and signage for all?
- Events and guidelines for everybody
LGBTQ+ communication ?
Given the expanding knowledge and understanding of gender diversity, there are increasing calls for specific measures for inner circles and customer responses in all business sectors. We support the relevant initiatives with the concerned parties and assisting institutions.
Support program for LGBTQ+ communications
- LGBTQ+survey?
- Ally Action Guide
Consulting for gender strategies
The gender gap issue is a priority among diversity issues for Japanese companies. We help companies promote relevant projects from the perspective of not only personnel measures but also of business strategies.
Support program for gender projects
- Gender subject chart?
- Gender gap survey for children
Support for DEI global strategies
DEI is now common parlance around the globe. However, as backgrounds, central themes, and specific needs all differ according to country or region, we support DEI strategizing from a global perspective.
Support program for global strategies
- Global Trends in DEI
DEI Solutions_2 - Personnel development and training programs
Our dedicated team helps pursue DEI promotion projects for all types of organization. We provide the results of our proprietary surveys, highly creative programs, and diversified external networks.
We have prepared various seminar and training programs unique to the Dentsu Group, addressing the themes of DEI, with the outputs being used not only for personnel training but for deploying businesses and expanding customer services. We endeavor to create unrivalled fact-based contents that can facilitate external PR jointly with partner individuals from companies as well as external experts and related persons.