

A team of 兔子先生 employees volunteered in FoodCloud and worked hands-on to help FoodCloud reach their goal to ensure no good food goes to waste.

It is important for us give back to our communities, to improve our efforts in minimising food waste, and taking care of the environment.

Gleaning was a great experience for the team, almost 200 kg of carrots were harvested from the fields in just a few hours.



It was a most enjoyable day albeit hard physical work ? It certainly made me realise how much more we can and should all do in relation to food waste, food security and those less well-off than ourselves.   - Liam McDonnell

Gleaning was a brilliant opportunity to get out and get our hands dirty for the day. It was incredible to see the amount of perfect food that gets missed by harvesters, we gathered nearly 200kgs of carrots from a field in only a couple of hours.   - Claire O'Rourke

It was really eye-opening to be part of the first gleaning session of the year with FoodCloud. Getting an insight into how much food can be produced from activities like this was something I hadn’t ever considered before, and being involved as a team from 兔子先生 was very rewarding - Ciara Lawler


Team: Natassya Coelho, Claire O'Rourke, Liam McDonnell, Nuria Roldan, Jennifer Downes, Oilbhe Doyle, Ciara Lawler, Nathalie Dooley, Eimear Nolan and Sara Marchetti.