Carol Jaque Trujillo

Business Manager, Maryland Language Training Center

social impact

My name is Carol Jaque and I have been a translator by profession since 1997. When I started working, translators were not yet recognized as a profession in Chile so I decided to apply for English teacher jobs: a decision that I now appreciate a great deal as it allowed me to discover the world of executive classes within companies, giving me a totally different perspective from classes in schools. I also worked as a teacher at a translator and interpreter center, keeping me in touch with my passion: translation. Little by little I realized that the business world was fascinating, and that everyone wants to perfect a foreign language for different reasons: personal development, study abroad, travel, work in multinationals, and so on.

Unfortunately, I found the old methodologies taught by the institutes in which I worked were not built for efficient learning. The essential was missing: each person is a totally different world, with different dreams, different interests, and different personal goals. In addition to that, we all learn differently and have varied learning rhythms. So, I asked myself: Why not change the way you teach languages? Why not customize the teaching and take into account the personal experience of each of our students?

And so, in 2001, was born: a language center that cares about understanding the needs of each of our students, soaking up their dreams and accompanying them on their learning path. It has been a great challenge because it is very difficult to position a new brand alongside large institutions which already have an established reputation, but people have gradually taken the time to understand our new ways and this is where, together with my team, we created The Maryland experience: 100% personalized services where you have the option to choose everything: language, time, place and type of teacher.

Every day we try to make someone happy, giving them the necessary tools to overcome language barriers, dare to speak in public, and learn to talk about their products and services in another language. We help you go out into the world and fulfil your dreams!

Helping others has always inspired me. And today, more than ever, I realize that it is my mission. Since 2019 I have been a Nichiren Daishonin Buddhist, a philosophy of life that has allowed me to grow and understand that we are all part of a whole, so we cannot be happy if others are not: we must grow the inherent potential that everyone has and teach others to do the same. We are all capable! We can all succeed! This year I began to be an active volunteer of Make a Wish, an institution that is dedicated to making dreams full of magic to children who suffer from terminal illnesses or are in very invasive treatments. Seeing their faces full of laughter, after receiving their dream, is something priceless.

I am the mother of a beautiful pug puppy, which has changed my life as well, teaching me to understand unconditional love.

Everything I am doing in my life is related to the happiness of others. And this is what inspires me daily.

Being part of the Female Foundry program in Chile has helped me to believe more in my project, to meet wonderful women whose main objective is to create services and products that help to improve the quality of life for people, and to meet experienced mentors that motivate us to keep fighting for our dreams: create value in people and contribute to their well-being.