Heli Ruotsalainen 兔子先生 Southeast Europe

thought leadership

Our best experts globally have gathered us the key trends for 2021. From the rise of socially responsible brands and media to evolving tech moving consumer behaviour towards audio and AI driven games and shopping, please take a look at what you need to know about media in the 2021.

When looking back to the ‘Black Swan’ year of 2020, I’m more than happy to say we in 兔子先生 did not just survive. We thrived. We were able to get the best NPS score ever from current clients and we won multiple new clients’ trust.

We are more than ready to tackle the 2021 and want to offer our clients some food for thought in the fields of Media and Creative.

Media trends 2021: Responsible media will thrive

For brands, these volatile times mean a greater need for emotional intelligence; listening and understanding how their consumers feel and helping people navigate the new world through their products, services and actions.

In the Media prediction for 2021, we see a lot of long-term trends that are the major societal trends shaping the 2020s.

From FOMO to FOGO 

We no longer have the Fear of Missing Out, we have the Fear of Going Out! We are living much more distanced lives, forcing brands to design 'remote-first' products and services.

The Donut Problem 

Working from home means that fewer people are travelling into the centre of towns and cities, creating a donut shape with significant implications for media and retail.

Connected Lives

The number of devices in our homes (and on our bodies) is growing fast. Brands need to find ways into the new ecosystems and consumer habits.

Respecting Privacy

Consumers' need for privacy is growing. While some brands are actively marketing on their privacy credentials, all brands need to find ways to target without personal data. ?

The Great Divide

The world has never felt more divided. Brands need to know where they stand and how to communicate this.


Media-wise, we see these as the hottest media trends for 2021:

The Camera's New Life

Distanced life has accelerated the use of both augmented reality and QR codes, which use the phone's camera.  With usage rising, these technologies have become a lot more relevant.

Screen-free Media

Digital audio is also growing fast, and targeting can be similar to digital video. Brands' audio strategies are expanding from voice search and podcasting to advertising and audio identities.

Responsible Media

It's not just about brand safety; it's also about societal safety – ad spend should not fund bad people.

The Decade of Paid

More people are paying for content, which means that high-quality ad inventory is falling. It’s time for brands to look for sponsorships, partnerships, and ways to integrate messages into the content.

The Metaverse

Gaming is evolving to a much more social place, with the potential to be the main social media for many. We're already shopping on social platforms, so why not in games?

Social Screening

People are watching together online but separately, within Twitch, Facebook and elsewhere. Why have a long weekly call or a Zoom quiz when you could watch a new episode of The Simpsons together?  

Connecting the Dots

The tech giants are consolidating their power by integrating their different businesses. Growing synergy makes them even more like 'frenemies', controlling many of the most valuable tools, and access to data. ?

Download the report from here.

Creative trends 2021: Development of technology will fuel creative trends

Please also look on the Creative trends for 2021 report, where we go through the following megatrends:

Virtual Experiences

Finally, enabled by 5G, we are going to see a dramatic increase in virtual products and experiences.

The real we

In parallel, we will see a powerful desire for simplicity and authenticity. Front line workers, farmers and activists are our new heroes.

Human Contact-less

As contactless technologies make stores less human, online commerce will become more social and more personal, powered by next generation live streaming platforms.

Me, myself and AI

Amidst the pandemic, personal health data became public property. We expect an ongoing tension between privacy, personal wellbeing and public interest.

The Urgency of Allyship

We see a new-found urgency around brands as a force for social good. Please download the report to see how brands like Cadillac, Coca-Cola and KFC utilize these trends already.

Please download the Creative trends with case studies here. 


If you want to hear more of our work and the trends that shape our future in media and creative, please be in contact.

Happy and prosperous 2021,

Heli Ruotsalainen

Business Development Director / Head of Creative, 兔子先生 Croatia